Full Guide: Best Natural & Organic Sunscreen 2019

Protect that beautiful skin of yours with natural sunscreen!

Our skin is so important. It is the largest organ in the human body. It is also the most neglected.

For years we have contributed to negative skincare habits. Many of us, myself included, would go without sunscreen because we wanted to be tan. Or worse, slather our bodies with baby oil and mineral oil instead of using sunscreen.

Now so many of us suffer from sun spots, melanomas, and even skin cancer. These skin conditions are terrible and they can all be prevented. Start using natural sunscreen today, you won’t regret it.

Why Should We Use Natural Sunscreen?

You need to replace your toxic sunscreen and immediately switch to natural sunscreen. We are becoming more and more conscious. We are realizing the products we once used are dangerous and harmful to our health.

Awareness is key!

Do not accept these toxic products any longer. Switch to natural sunscreen for you and your loved ones. Natural sunscreen is great because it is formulated without harmful ingredients and harsh chemicals.

These harsh chemicals are dangerous to your health and can cause conditions like cancer. Skin cancer is actually the most common form of cancer that people get in the United States.

According to the Center of Disease Control & Prevention there are over 67,000 skin cancer diagnoses every year in the United States. The writing is on the wall, we all need to use sunscreen. Our ozone layer continues to deplete every day, exposing us to more and more dangers.

Where to start! Natural sunscreen will protect your skin.

It will protect your skin from sun damage and sun spots. Use natural sunscreen to fight the signs of aging. Too much sun causes wrinkles if you do not protect yourself. The signs of aging can be helped by using face sunscreen and natural sunscreen. Use natural sunscreen to prevent wrinkles and for more youthful skin.

Natural sunscreen also helps to fight skin conditions and diseases.


All Natural Sunscreen Vs Chemical Sunscreen

Natural sunscreen is different! Things that are different don’t have to be weird, they can be great!

Natural sunscreen is formulated differently than regular sunscreen. There are many ingredients that set it apart. First off, natural sunscreen is formulated and created with better ingredients. They are less likely to cause an allergic reaction.

Natural sunscreen is formulated so that they are hypoallergenic and safe for use on all skin types. Natural sunscreens have better ingredients that help to hydrate and protect the skin, while still being gentle. Natural sunscreens are non comedogenic so they will not clog pores and cause acne like toxic, chemical sunscreens.

Toxic, chemical filled sunscreens are terrible for you.

They are extremely harmful and dangerous. They are full of harmful and dangerous ingredients. Many of the ingredients in chemical sunscreens are cancer causing and can cause many health conditions. Many of them are endocrine disruptors which means they mess with the hormones in your body.

This makes chemical sunscreens especially dangerous for babies and children.

They are extremely dangerous for these groups because they are growing, changing, and full of hormones. Too often, young children and babies are being diagnosed with cancer.

We are realizing that the food we put in our bodies, the products we put on our bodies, all are exposing us and our loved ones to carcinogens. We have to do better, if not for us, but for our loved ones and future generations.

Why Natural Sunscreen Is Better For Your Skin

Apply once and forget about it!

Too many times we have to reapply when we use chemical type sunscreens. If you forget to reapply, there is a chance of a sunburn or sun damage. Natural sunscreen is better because you do not need to reapply. Natural sunscreen doesn’t absorb into the skin the way that toxic chemical sunscreen does.

Natural sunscreen protects the skin better because you do not need to reapply and it stays on the top layer of the skin protecting the skin from UV rays. It does not permeate and absorb into the skin. This is why chemical sunscreens are so dangerous.

The toxic and harmful ingredients permeate the skin and remain there!

Natural sunscreens are also hypoallergenic and safe for all skin types. They contain far less allergen causing ingredients. They cause less skin irritation and skin reactions. We should not have to worry about acne and skin reactions when we are applying sunscreen.

The point of sunscreen is to protect it, not to cause it more harm. Switch to natural sunscreen to no longer punish your skin.

Natural sunscreen products are made with better and safer ingredients. They are formulated with various minerals and natural ingredients to protect the skin. These minerals and safe ingredients protect your skin from harmful UV rays.

These safer ingredients do not permeate the skin like other chemical sunscreens.Natural sunscreens are more effective because they are actively blocking harmful UV rays. Also, the better ingredients help to nourish and hydrate the skin. They are actively protecting our skin.


Ingredients in Natural Mineral Sunscreen

There are a few natural minerals that are used to create natural sunscreens. These mineral sunscreens are a great alternatives to chemical sunscreens.

They do work a bit different than the chemical sunscreens we are used to. They do not soak into the skin and break down quickly. The white spots are sunscreen that might not totally rub into the skin.

You can always use non nano mineral sunscreen. Non nano helps the natural sunscreen rub on the skin easier. It makes the natural sunscreen more sheer which helps eliminate the white spots.

  • Zinc Oxide – Incredible anti viral, anti bacterial, and anti inflammatory properties. This ingredient is a godsend. It is extremely healing and great for all skin types. It is safe for those who have acne and sensitive skin. Zinc Oxide is great at fighting UVA and UVB rays.  It is a very white mineral and is an active ingredient in mineral sunscreen powder.


  • Titanium – Effectively blocks UV rays without absorbing into the skin. It works with zinc oxide to protect your skin against UVA and UVB. It helps to boost the efficacy in its UVB protection.


  • Cocoa Butter – Moisturize your skin with cocoa butter! This ingredient is extremely moisturizing and hydrating. It protects the skin from drying out and leaves your skin feeling smooth, supple, and soft.


  • Tea Tree Oil – Tea Tree Oil is a antiseptic and also stimulates blood flow. It pumps your damaged skin full of nutrients and the vitamins it needs to repair itself.


  • Vitamin E – Combat free radicals and environmental factors with Vitamin E! Vitamin E protects the skin and prevents sun damage from occurring.


  • Avocado Oil – Not only protects the skin, it also provides it with hydration and relief


  • Sesame Oil – Not just as a part of a salad dressing, this Oil combats UV rays! It has UV resistance percentage of 30


  • Aloe Vera – The ultimate ingredient if you are suffering from a sunburn or skin reaction. Aloe Vera is incredibly soothing, providing instant relief when applied. It helps to speed up the healing process by encouraging cell growth.


  • Green Tea– Green Tea is full of antioxidants! These antioxidants protect the skin from environmental factors that try to permeate the skin. The antioxidants in green tea help to protect the skin and skin cells.


  • Grape Seed Oil – This oil is also full of antioxidants! Grape seed oil helps to protect the cells of the skin


Toxic Ingredients in Sunscreen to Avoid!

The following ingredients should be avoided at all cost. If you see these ingredients listed on your chemical sunscreen, you shouldn’t use it. If not for you, do it for your loved ones.

The following ingredients are dangerous and harmful. Please be aware of what you choose to use and apply on your skin and the skin of your loved ones. Also, avoid aerosol sunscreens. Always use a lotion or cream instead. Aerosol sunscreens are full of chemicals that we breathe in during application.

  • Parabens
  • Sulfates
  • Homosalate (HMS) – Major hormone disruptor for both Men & Women. Disrupts the endocrine system
  • OD-PABA (Octyl-dimethyl-para-Amin-benzoic acid) – Disrupts the thyroid and the endocrine system. Thankfully are less used in sunscreens
  • 4-MBC (4-methy-benzyldencamphor) – Causes thyroid toxicity and  also disrupts the endocrine system.
  • Oxybenzone – This causes skin irritation and phtooallergic reactions. It is also an endocrine system disruptor.
  • OMC (Octyl-methoyl-cinnamates)
  • Benzophenone-3
  • avobenzone
  • ecamsule
  • octisalate
  • Octocrylene

What about Organic products? What are good tips for choosing an organic sunscreen?


Is That Really Organic Sunscreen?

Sunscreen is not organic. Even mineral sunscreen is not technically organic.

There are many very sneaky marketing geniuses out there that like to use the word Organic on their products. So technically speaking, titanium and zinc oxide are not made of or contain any carbon.

What you can check for is that the majority of the ingredients are natural ingredients. More importantly that they are organic ingredients. There are certain natural sunscreens that you can find that are made with a certain level of organic ingredients. We have gone ahead and done the leg work. Below are some of the best sunscreens that are made with mostly organic ingredients.

Best Chemical Free Sunscreen:

Below is our list of the top 2 brands and products for natural and organic sunscreen.  We have researched the ingredients and 3rd party quality control to find the best natural sunscreens on the market.


Sparkling Aloe-Solar Sanre by Organic Skinfood

1.1 oz

==>  Available at Amazon! Free Shipping! Click Here

One of the top rated non toxic sunscreens by the Environmental Working Group. This 2 in 1 sunscreen and day moisturizer is made with 100% organic ingredients (besides the sunscreen minerals and the water ingredients). It has both titanium dioxide and zinc oxide sunscreen minerals. It is recommended for those with acne and oily skin. It is Broad Spectrum SPF 30. It is Non GMO and also alcohol and gluten free. It’s ingredients include many antioxidant rich organic essential oils. This is a cruelty free natural sunscreen.







Zinc Oxide Sunscreen Cream by Badger

2.9 oz

==>  Available at Amazon! Free Shipping! Click Here

Available at Amazon! Use this sunscreen if you have sensitive skin. This natural sunscreen is made with only 5 ingredients! It is made with 100% natural ingredients and 98% organic ingredients. It is Broad Spectrum SPF 30, non gmo, and non nano.  It is also water resistant for 40 minutes. Most importantly it is biodegradable and safe for the ocean. It has zinc oxide water for its minerals.

This product is cruelty free. The ingredients are very nourishing to the skin. The packaging itself is made from #2 recyclable plastic and is BPA and phalate free. This is a great unscented sunscreen cream for the whole body.

We need to switch to mineral based natural sunscreens. Our choice to use toxic sunscreens is affecting the environment. Not only is our ozone depleting, but the ocean is dying.



Chemical Free Sunscreen Saves the Environment:

Poor coral reefs. Chemical sunscreens are so dangerous to coral reefs and marine life. Ecosystems are all about balance and chemical sunscreens are disrupting that fragile balance.

It is devastating environments and we are at risk of losing coral reefs forever. Coral is made from something called calcium carbonate. It is the home for tiny algae that is a food source for the coral. It is the algae that gives coral the beautiful colors that we think of.

Dangerous ingredients like Oxybenzone are bleaching the coral and disrupting the balance. Oxybenzone is an endocrine disruptor for for coral too! Oxybezones are killing coral reefs, leaving our oceans desolate. This is more of a reason to switch to a mineral based sunscreen.

Using a natural sunscreen benefits you and also benefits the environment. Save your skin, save coral reefs, use natural sunscreen.

We have to remember to have respect the natural bodies around us like the ocean and the sun. They are very powerful and have more strength and effect on our lives and bodies than we can see. The sun for example is extremely powerful and should be respected and considered before we leave the house each day.


Ultraviolet Light:  Why we should care?

Most kids when they were young, drew their sun with little sunglasses. Or at least I did. I always thought the sun was my friend and it was good to be out of the sun.

Vitamin D is good for you, but of course in moderation and with proper protection.  

We are not impervious to skin cancer. More and more Americans fall victim to skin cancer each year. It is important that we realize how powerful the sun is and the types of sun rays that exist.

The sun reflects various types of rays which include:

  • UV Rays – Ultra Violet
  • X-Rays
  • Gamma Rays
  • Cosmic Rays
  • Visible Rays – ROYGBIV (You don’t remember ROYGBIV? Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet)
  • I.R. Rays – Infra Red
  • Radiowaves
  • Microwaves
  • But, there are three types of of UV Rays that the sun emits. These UV rays are UVA, UVB, and UVC.

Types of UV Rays

Ultra Violet rays have the potential to be very dangerous and damaging to our skin. They all affect the skin differently.

Facts on UVA Rays

  • UVA Rays are responsible for over 95% of the radiation that reaches Earth
  • Culprits of sun spots & wrinkles
  • Causes sunburns
  • Ages skin prematurely
  • Overtime cause skin cancer
  • Strong link between UVA rays and cancer
  • Permeate the top layer of skin, reaching the dermal layer which damages the tissues
  • Are responsible for tanning since they stimulate the cells that darkened the skin
  • UVA Rays are used in tanning beds


Facts on UVB Rays

  • Causes skin cancer
  • Causes most sunburns and skin irritation/redness
  • Damages the epidermis (outer layer of skin or top layer of skin)


Facts on UVC Rays

  • By far the most dangerous
  • Used in man made sources like Mercury lamps and welding torches
  • Were used in tanning beds
  • Not a main culprit of skin cancer


Choosing the Best Sunscreen for Face & Body:

Choosing the correct natural sunscreen and organic sunscreen based on your needs is quite important. There are many types of sunscreens for your face and body so it is important to pay attention to the labels.

One tip would be to choose a sunscreen that is a broad spectrum sunscreen. This means that it will protect your face and skin from harmful rays.

These would be UVA and UVB rays that we talked about previously. Another consideration when you are choosing a natural sunscreen or organic sunscreen is to have SPF in mind. You should think about how long you will be in the sun, what types of activities will you be doing, and also if your sunscreen needs to be water resistant.


What Does SPF stand for?

SPF stands for sun protection factor. It basically is a measurement that lets you know how long a sunscreen will work. You may have noticed on many sunscreens, the label states the SPF.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, we all need to use minimum SPF 30!

If you have pre existing melanoma or skin cancer, you should use a higher SPF since you are very susceptible. This is one of the situations where bigger (or more) is better. We used to think that a tan meant that you were healthy. In actuality, a tan is a sign of DNA damage and cell mutations.


Why We Should Choose SPF 100? 

The truth of it all is that no matter which sunscreen you use, there is no sunscreen that exists that blocks out 100% of the Sun’s rays.

Using a broad spectrum sunscreen can help block out a good amount but not all of the Rays. Also, super high SPFs do not work better than SPF 30 or even SPF 50. See below for the various levels of protection from SPF. As you can see, after SPF 30, there is a slight increase in protection. But even with SPF 100, it still doesn’t block out 100% of UV rays.

SPF 15 – Blocks 93%

SPF 30 – Blocks 97%

SPF 50 – Blocks 98%

SPF 100 – Blocks 99%


Tips For Sun Protection:

We are all going to be in the sun so we need to be prepared to protect ourselves. There are many things that we can do when we are in the sun to protect our skin.

It doesn’t matter if you are only in the sun during summer or if you live in a sunny area year round. Everyone needs to protect their skin.

  1. Apply sunscreen for face and body before you are in the sun
  2. Use a broad spectrum sunscreen to protect from both UVA and UVB Rays
  3. Use a natural sunscreen
  4. Use a mineral based sunscreen
  5. Drink water! The sun is hot and draining, hydration is key
  6. Wear a hat!
  7. Wear your favorite sunglasses!
  8. Use coverups and specially designed UV protective clothing
  9. Don’t forget your parasol or beach umbrella!
  10. Limit your time in the sun! Even with your protection, try to be aware of how long you are in the sun. Peak sun hours where the sun is at its highest potency is between 10AM to 4PM.

==>  If you’re interested in sunscreen for kids and babies check out this article found here!