Best Ingredients for Natural and Organic Skin Care

Thank goodness for natural cosmetics! There has been a recent increase of many makeup companies going back to basics. This means that many companies are pursuing using natural ingredients in their makeup and beauty products verses the synthetic chemicals and artificial fragrances that many companies use. There are more natural cosmetics products offered and available which is great for all of us!

Awareness is everything, thanks to the Internet, we as consumers have the power in our hands to choose what we want to use on our faces and bodies. Natural cosmetics work on all skin types and are recommended for those with sensitive skin since there are no artificial ingredients plus manly other benefits. Fight acne and aging with natural cosmetics!  Your skin is the largest organ in your body and is the only barrier between you and the outside world.  It keeps bad bacteria, environmental toxins and UV radiation from damaging your vital organs.  Your skin also acts as a filter to clean your blood.  Keeping your skin the best condition will dramatically improve the skins ability to do its job. Using natural beauty products derived from organic plant based ingredients will help maintain the strength and longevity of your skin for many years.

natural cosmetics for healthy skin

The Unregulated World of Cosmetics

Did you know that for the most part cosmetics and beauty products go unregulated? There are so many unsafe ingredients that are included in many cosmetics that it quite unbelievable. We have all been brainwashed in a sense to use popular name brands and certain products because our favorite celebrity/actress/influencer is promoting it. But what are really in these beauty products? Chemicals! Parabens, Sulfates, & Phthalates! Plus other terrible things that clog pores, cause acne, breakouts, skin irritation, skin condition, and even cancer!

Why Use Natural Organic Coconut Oil?

There are so many health benefits with coconut oil.  Did you know it is a SUPERFOOD? Not only can you eat it, but it is often an ingredient in many natural cosmetics. Use organic coconut oil for skin and hair improvements. Many studies have been done, the results are astounding when it comes to using organic coconut oil for skin and hair. Not only does it improve the appearance of your skin and hair, but many stated that it really helped with skin hydration and moisturization.

Oils derived from plants have been utilzied for a variety of uses for many generations.  Just recently we have been able to study the affects of plant based oils and recognize their ability to fight skin disease and restore the natural balance of your skin.  Organic Coconut Oil is a superfood made of healthy fats, about 60% of coconut oil is made up of healthy fatty acids. Over 90% of coconut oil fat is an extremely healthy natural saturated fat.Organic Coconut Oil is antifungal and antimicrobial. Coconut Oil is a medium chain fatty acid and a very strong anti-fungal agent.


Why is Coconut Oil Good For Your Skin?

Coconut oil has been shown as an effective agent in helping xerosis skin conditions.  Coconut oil supports the outer skin barrier and protects your skin from environmental stress and bacterial growth.  Coconut oil also has powerful properties that improves wound healing by reducing inflammation, bacterial proliferation and tissues development.  This incredible oil is also a anti inflammatory and can improve skin inflammation, redness and puffiness.  Coconut oil can also protect against aging from oxidative stress and UV radiation to the skin.  The chemical, Monolaurin is also present in coconut oil that help your skin produce beneficial probiotics on the skin that fight virus and fungus growth.  A wide variety of clinical studies have been created and you can find them here for your reference.

There are so many individuals that suffer from dry skin, lack of moisture in their skin, and eczema. By using a natural cosmetics ingredient like organic coconut oil for skin and hair, it drastically will reduce the symptoms of your skin condition. Organic Coconut Oil has helped so many that suffer from the symptoms of eczema, it really is a super food and incredible natural cosmetics ingredient.

Organic Coconut Oil Sunscreen!

Are you tired of these chemical filled sun screens? We all need to wear sunscreen, the sun is so powerful. Many neglect sunscreen and those that do put on sunscreen may be doing more harm by covering themselves with chemicals and other harmful ingredients. Organic Coconut Oil is an efficient, natural cosmetics sunscreen. It is a more light sunscreen, effectiveness is around 15-20% but that is more than wearing no sunscreen!  The oils extracted from the coconut contain essential fatty acids, tocopherols, carotenoids that enable to skin to protect itself from harmful radiation emitted by the sun.  Coconut oil’s ability to be absorbed and spread evenly throughout the skin gives greater protection to UV sunlight.

Organic Coconut Oil For Your Hair

Let your hair have that quenching drink it’s been asking for! Your hair is THIRSTY and it’s ready for a big sip of–coconut oil! Organic coconut oil is a great natural cosmetics for hair moisturization and also protects against damage. You can leave the coconut oil in or wash it out, it makes a great leave in conditioner. Say goodbye to dry ends and split ends–say hello to the beautiful hair you deserve! Skip the salon, you can do your own salon type treatments at home!  Coconut oil has a unique ability to penetrate the inner fibers of your hair as well as leave a fine oil coating for protection.  The addition of hydrating oils on the hair fibers reduce the visibility and improve split ends and scales.  The composition of coconut oil includes a special chemical called lauric acid that helps maintain the protein balance in your hair when you wash and clean.  You can see the study done on organic coconut oil here. 

Health Benefits of Organic Coconut Oil

  • Organic Coconut Oil reduces inflammation which has proven very effective in arthritis and arthritis treatment.
  • Helps with Kidney Infection & UTI infections – it is a natural antibiotic and protects the live from damage when consumed.
  • Cancer Treatment/Prevention – Coconut Oil prevents cancer from developing.
  • Memory Improvement – Many studies have been done that show that patients and test subjects that take coconut oil have an improvement in their memory.
  • Increased Metabolism – Coconut Oil increases your metabolism and produces more sustainable energy providing you with extra endurance and energy. Many athletes and endurance athletes use coconut oil for a source of natural fuel.
  • Improve Digestion- Coconut Oil helps to reduce stomach ulcers and is a great aid for digestion.
  • Fight Gum Disease – Coconut oil works to prevent gum disease and also cavities and decay. Swishing the oil in the mouth, also called oil pulling, grabs all the unwanted bacteria and germs that are found in the mouth. The mouth is a very disgusting place, but can be cleaned with coconut oil.
  • Fixes Skin Issues – If you suffer from eczema, dandruff, psoriasis, burns, dermatitis, or any other skin issue, coconut oil is the answer you are looking for. It is a great cleanser, moisturizer, sunscreen, and something more. Organic coconut oil is a great aid for skin hydration, helps reduce inflammation, and works well with all skin types. It is great because of all the natural antioxidants and antimicrobial properties, which is why it is a great natural cosmetics ingredient.

Organic Coconut Oil for Skin – Side Effects

All things are fine in moderation.  So before you start slathering yourself and your loved with coconut oil, listen up! Coconut oil is safe when applied to the skin. It is also safe when ingested in food. But, coconut oil is still an oil. If you eat coconut oil in excess, it can increase your cholesterol levels. If your cholesterol is off the charts already, you should first think about what you are eating and putting in your body. Coconut oil is probably not your only problem that you need to be worrying about.

Coconut Oil is quite thick also, so excess on your skin may cause acne if you have sensitive skin. Less is more when you apply products to your face. Acne is more common with those who have extremely, excessively oily skin. If you are allergic to coconut, use that beautiful brain of yours and don’t ingest or apply coconut oil to your face.

If you choose to ingest coconut oil, in excess it may cause diarrhea.  It is probably wise to start ingesting coconut oil in small amounts to see how your body reacts.

Are There Argan Oil Benefits for Skin & Hair?

What is up with Argan oil? Also called Liquid Gold and you don’t even need the Midas touch! Argan Oil is a natural cosmetics ingredient that works on your skin and also your hair! Argan Oil is an organic, natural cosmetics ingredient. It is made from the the oils of the Argan tree. The Argan tree is native to Morocco hence often companies use the title Moroccan Oil but we know the truth! It is really Argan oil! This liquid gold is full of many natural cosmetics ingredients like Vitamin E.

Argan Oil Benefits Your Skin

Try this great natural cosmetics product! By purchasing an organic Argan oil product, you receive so many Argan oil benefits. It benefits the skin immensely since it is an all natural cosmetics skin moisturizer. Argan Oil penetrates the skin and hydrates the skin, leaving your skin feeling baby soft. It is because of the natural cosmetics ingredients like Vitamin E and the fatty acids that make up Argan Oil. Bring back the natural glow in your skin by using Argan Oil. Do not worry about Argan oil being greasy or irritating. Argan Oil absorbs quickly into the skin so it is not greasy. It is great for sensitive skin since it doesn’t irritate the skin and doesn’t clog pores.

Argan Oil Benefits Your Hair

Are you ready for beautiful, softer, shinier, healthier, step out of the salon type of hair? No longer do you have to go to the hair stylist to get beautiful salon hair. You can do Argan oil treatments at home! Argan Oil will bring your hair back to life! There are so many damaging things we do to our hair–heat treatments, curling irons, hair straighteners, etc. Our hair gets so damaged–split ends, frizzy hair, flyaways, etc. By using Argan Oil, it becomes a great way to treat your damaged locks. You can use Argan Oil as a leave in conditioner or use shampoo/conditioner that is made with Argan Oil.

Argan Oil Benefits Will Keep You Young!

Add it to the list of the many benefits of Argan oil! It is because it is such an incredible moisturizer, fully absorbing into the skin, it makes a great anti-aging natural cosmetics product. Use Argan oil daily to help reduce fine lines and wrinkles. By using Argan oil,you will get beautiful, natural glowing skin. For best practice, apply Argan oil before bed to your face and neck. Massage the oil into your face and neck consistently and you will be rewarded with the beautiful skin you deserve!

Argan Oil Benefits Those with Dry Skin

Nothing is worse than dry skin–itchy, flaking, skin. Many people suffer from various dry skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, dandruff, etc. Dry skin can be embarrassing, itchy, and overall very annoying. Since Argan Oil is full of omega fatty acids and Vitamin E, it is perfect for dry skin. Argan Oil penetrates the skin, repairing and providing aid to the damaged and dry skin. Say goodbye to alligator skin and hello to beautiful soothed skin. Argan Oil provides the relief you need and heals the skin naturally.

Argan Oil Benefits Acne & Acne Scars

Acne affects everyone–young and old. Many get adult acne until they are well into their 50s. Many items we use on our faces do not help acne, but often bring skin irritation and more acne. Argan Oil is different! It doesn’t clog pores or leave your skin feeling greasy. There are many antioxidants in Argan oil which helps heal damaged skin, helps to reduce inflammation, and redness. Argan Oil helps those with acne by simply applying a few drops to the skin after cleansing. Use Argan Oil to balance the oils in your skin and reduce acne.

Argan Oil Benefits Your Pregnancy

Argan Oil is a godsend! It is a great natural cosmetics product that is safe to use for pregnant women. Many women during their pregnancy will experience stretch marks on their bodies. Everyone is different but often in areas like the stomach, legs, breasts, thighs, are popular areas where stretch marks and sagging skin arises. Argan Oil has many benefits to help the skin and the stretch marks. Use a few drops of Argan oil on your problem areas to reduce the stretch marks and increase the elasticity in your skin.

Argan Oil Benefits Nails, Hands, & Feet

Argan Oil really is liquid gold! It can be used all over the body and help with so many things. It is a great natural cosmetics product to be used on the hands, feet, and nails. By massaging Argan oil into your feet and hands, you will see softer skin. It also helps to make your nails strong and assist your nail beds and cuticles. It is best to apply Argan OIl before bed to let the natural cosmetics really penetrate the skin. There are many healing properties and antioxidants in organic Argan oil.

Argan Oil Risks and Side Effects Exist

Nothing is completely 100% safe for every person. Believe it or not, we are all different and not everyone’s skin and body react the exact same way 100% of the time. Shocking I know (dripping with sarcasm). Fortunately, Argan oil is considered pretty safe. Many people use Argan oil on their faces, body, hair, nails, etc. But some folks, could experience side effects so it is important to review and speak on the side effects of Argan oil.

As a topical agent, there could be a chance of skin irritation. This could come in form of a rash or acne. Many who experience this often have allergies to nuts–Argan oil does come from a tree. If you have allergies to tree nuts perhaps Argan oil is a natural cosmetics ingredient you should avoid. Before slathering your face or skin in Argan oil, perhaps test out a small section of skin in an area that is not noticeable like your face. Perhaps test the back of your hand or forearm to see how your skin is affected by Argan oil.

If you eat Argan oil it may cause your stomach to be a bit upset. Some state that they felt nauseous, a bit gassy, and some also reported they had diarrhea. Those who ingested Argan oil orally may also experience rashes and acne. For very few individuals, they may experience hard time sleeping, depression, confusion.  In these rare cases, they did consume Argan oil as an oral supplement. If you are experiencing any irregularity in your normal behavior or experience any side effect, it is best to stop taking Argan oil. You know your body best, you know what feels right, and when you feel odd. Trust yourself, you have all the answers inside you.




Turmeric for Healthy Skin Really Works


Many of us associate the yellow spice as simply that–a spice used to flavor various foods. For many years, many cultures around the world know that turmeric isn’t just a delicious flavoring but also has healing properties and is a natural cosmetics ingredient. Turmeric comes in many forms. The most familiar would be the ground spice. It also comes in supplement form as well as a natural cosmetics ingredient.

Why Use Turmeric for Skin

There are so many healing properties to turmeric. The health benefits are outstanding. Turmeric has something in it called curcumin. Curcumin is a natural anti-inflammatory and also has antioxidant health properties. There are many benefits to turmeric for skin as a natural cosmetic.

Use Turmeric for Skin Glow

Glow Baby Glow – Maybe it’s magic, or many it’s the antioxidants that turmeric contains. Whatever it is the anti-inflammatory healing abilities bring out a beautiful natural glow to the skin. If your skin is looking a bit lackluster, perhaps trying turmeric could be the secret weapon you’re looking for. Expert Tip: Try a DIY Turmeric Mask! It’s so easy, it can be done at home, and makes the perfect at home face mask. Combine a bit of Greek yogurt with turmeric until it makes an easy to apply paste. Apply to your face and let it remain there for about 10-15 min. It’s always best to avoid the eye area as the eyes can be sensitive to pretty much everything. After the allotted time, rinse with warm water/warm towel. Try this mask before bed after you remove your makeup!

Turmeric for Skin Repair

Heal Your Wounds with Turmeric – Perhaps you cut yourself shaving or have some type of skin wound or cut. Due to the curcumin that is in turmeric, it is a great anti inflammatory and natural healer. Apply turmeric to decrease the inflammation of your skin and help increase the healing process. Cuts will heal faster and the tissue surrounding the area will be healthy.

Turmeric Helps with Acne & Scarring

If you suffer from acute acne or acne in general, you may want to pick up some turmeric the next time you go to the grocery. Or perhaps add it to the list so it gets delivered to your house on your next order. A face mask of turmeric for skin and acne is the answer you are looking for. Turmeric will help reduce acne and acne scars. Since turmeric is an anti-inflammatory, it greatly helps the skin by reducing redness, puffiness, and focuses on the pores to reduce breakouts and clogged pores.

Turmeric for Skin Psoriasis

Turmeric really is a great trick for beautiful skin. Many suffer from psoriasis and other skin conditions like eczema. Turmeric can help control your skin flare ups and help control the symptoms that have been controlling you and your life. Turmeric has great antioxidants and anti-inflammatory healing properties that make it a great natural cosmetics ingredient. There are many ways you can take turmeric. You can try a DIY face mask at home, perhaps try a supplement, or add some to your food.

Are There Risks using Turmeric for Skin?

It would be irresponsible to not list the risks of using turmeric and only listing the benefits. Just like in all cases, there is a balance, a yin and yang. It is important to be cognizant of how much turmeric you are taking and your turmeric dosage. Also, you do not know how you could react to turmeric so it is important to be aware of what other medications you are also taking. It is important to remember that turmeric is metabolized quickly by the human body and that the body will not absorb that much. If you start taking turmeric, either by supplement or adding it into your food, start taking small amounts at first and see how your body reacts.

Turmeric has a beautiful bright color, however that could also stain your skin and nails or at least leave it with a little yellow tint. This is quite normal, do not be alarmed. It may be best to try spot testing your DIY turmeric face mask on other parts of the body before you try your whole face. Perhaps spot test on your hand or arm or leg before you apply to your face. This way you are able to see the consistency of the mask, verify that you are not allergic or will not have a reaction.

If you are allergic to turmeric, please do not put it in your food or on your skin.

What can Probiotics do for Skin & Health?

Probiotics have amazing health benefits. They are live organisms and are technically considered bacteria. Probiotics have naturally been in our system since birth. When we are babies we  are first exposed to this good bacteria during the process of childbirth.

This bacteria is considered good bacteria, it lives and lines our bodies digestive tract.
Probiotics supports the body’s ability to absorb vitamins and nutrients and fight infections. The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) states that probiotics are live microorganisms. Yogurt is a food that that contains probiotics. There are many other ways to take probiotics such as dietary supplements and natural cosmetics products.

How Did Probiotics for Skin & Overall Health Come to Be?

Probiotics was introduced in the 20th century by Elie Metchnikoff. He is known as the Father of Probiotics. His research believed that by consuming good or beneficial bacteria or microorganisms that you could improve your health. Humans used to get plenty of probiotics due to their diet. Humans would eat fresh vegetables and foods that were farmed naturally in good soil and used fermenting processes to prevent foods from spoiling. Due to modern advances and agricultural practices, much of our food contains no probiotics and often have dangerous antibodies in them. This is due to the various treatments to “sanitize” our foods.

Since Elie Metchnikoff, researchers have continued to study probiotics and their efficacy on the health of the human body. There are many things that probiotics can treat and may even help prevent. It is important to remember the balance and homeostasis that the many bacteria strains of probiotics bring about.

The Efficacy of Probiotics for Skin

There is a certain balance that is needed on our skin and faces. Our skin has both resident and transient bacteria–meaning good and bad bacteria. When there is an imbalance, the result is acne, irritation, dullness, and skin sensitivity.  When the microflora in your skin is balanced it will be more resilient to environmental threats, restore the pH balance, hydrates skin and maintains softness.

You can take probiotics as a supplement. Only use and rotate using the best high quality, high dosage probiotics. Also, it is recommended to take them both topically and orally when possible. There are also different serums, moisturizers, masks, cleansers, toners, and many other natural cosmetics products. Topical probiotics fight the bacteria that creates acne on your face. It reduces inflammation in the skin and face.

Probiotics for Skin Care Products

Probiotics for skin care products are quite difficult to make and formulate. The formulation itself is quite unstable making it very fragile and hard to work with. You will never see probiotics for skin care products in a clear glass jar. If you choose to use probiotics in skin care products, do your research and buy the best. It is possible to have good results with the proper legwork. If used regularly, topical probiotics for skin care products can hydrate the skin, leaving it softer than you could ever have imagined.

Important Things to Consider

  1. Do not avoid going to the doctor or your health provider and simply take health products like probiotics. It is important to always seek about medical advice before starting a new health product that may be replacing scientifically proven treatments that your doctor will recommend.
  2. Consult your doctor or health provider before taking a probiotic supplement. This is especially true if you have a history of health problems and issues. It is important to communicate with your health provider exactly what other health approaches and treatments you are using. Treatments should complement one another, not take away benefits.
  3. Consult your doctor if you are pregnant or nursing. Also if you are considering giving probiotics or any dietary supplement to your child.

Natural cosmetics ingredients are a great way to treat skin irritations and conditions. Many who suffer from acne and acne scars should consider using natural cosmetics ingredients to treat their acne. Just like anything, do in moderation. Test the different treatments on your leg or arm before trying something new on your face. Natural cosmetics ingredients help with skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, and acne.

There are many other benefits for natural cosmetics ingredients. It is important to learn about these natural cosmetics ingredients and also the side effects. We are all different and our bodies respond to different things. It is important to be aware of any changes we see and listen to our bodies if something is not working for us.

Make your own natural makeup remover!

Read more about non comedogenic!

Thank you so much for visiting. This is not medical advice, see a doctor before implementing any new treatments. Take care of yourself, live every day being your best you. The overall goal is longevity and overall health.